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Teeth Clenching

Are you aware you’re doing it?

If you wake up in the morning with mysterious jaw pain, headaches or sensitive teeth, chances are that you’re a teeth clencher which is more common when you sleep. Knowing the cause of the clenching is key to being able to stop.

The reasons for teeth clenching can are numerous however, there are a few things you can do that might relieve the effects of clenching or stop it all together.

Some of the reasons for clenching may be: 

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD or TMJ)

  • Regular or excessive consumption of drugs, alcohol or caffeine

  • Existing medical conditions or medication

Methods for treatment when it comes to clenching varies depending on the individual. Paramount Dental Sydney can help you find a treatment that’s best for your needs and some of these treatments may include: 

Reducing stress levels

This can often be easier said than done however there are multiple techniques a person can trial to find what works for them:

  • Limiting technology before bed. Instead of staring at your phone or TV, try reading a book

  • Develop a routine for stretching before bed and in the morning before you start your day

  • Speak to your GP out treatment options for anxiety. They may also help you identify if certain medications you’re on may be causing you to clench or grind your teeth. 

Treat TMJ or TMD

Whether you have already been diagnosed with TMD/TMJ or you just suspect that it may be causing your symptoms, a locked jaw is a problem that needs to be addressed right away.  Some lifestyle changes may help here, such as avoiding very hard foods, relieving pain with icepacks, changing sleeping habits etc.

Limit alcohol and caffeine intake

While many see alcohol as a relaxant, it is also known to have a negative effect on your sleep quality. Trial cutting out alcohol midweek and wait for results.

Caffeine, coffee, tea and soft drinks can all affect your quality of sleep and therefore make you more likely to clench while sleeping.

Trial a mouthguard

If you’ve already tried everything above, it may be worthwhile trying a mouthguard when sleeping. This won’t eliminate the clenching; however, it can assist in limiting the amount of damage potentially being done to your teeth.

Paramount Dental Sydney has treated many patients experiencing a range of dental issues due to teeth clenching. Some of these conditions are made worse through lack of treatment and include:

  • Cracked teeth

  • Chipped teeth

  • Visible signs of enamel wearing away

  • Loosing if previous dental works e.g., crowns 

Teeth clenching can be painful and frustrating, so don’t avoid talking about it with your dentist.


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