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Have You Opted-In To The New My Health Record?

How the MHR will affect your dental appointments

Nick Morton, a patient’s story from the My Health System

The face of medicine is changing along with technology and this has important implications for your dentist and your dental records as well. The new changes come in the form of a new health database called the My Health Record (MHR). This system will be in operation very soon, and if you’re unsure about what this means for you, the following will help.

What is My Health Record?

Basically, My Health Record is an online summary of your health information. So if you go to a doctor or dentist, no matter where you are, they will be able to access your health information. This means that if you need treatment, your doctor or dentist will be able to access your file and read any information relevant to that treatment and to your general health. This includes health information such as:

  • Medications you’re currently taking or have taking in the past.

  • Any relevant allergies.

  • The results of previous blood tests.

  • Any medical conditions you have or have had in the past.

This may seem a little intrusive, but it will allow for better health care. It will help medical professionals make better diagnoses and avoid making medical mistakes that could have long term health consequences. It’s also a more effective way to track your health over time so any signs of trouble can be detected and treated as soon as they appear. And this is essential if you want to stay happy and healthy over the long term.

Privacy and Security

If you have concerns about the privacy and security of having your medical details online then you shouldn’t. The system is set up so that you control the privacy and security settings. This means that you can add personal notes about your health, control who can see it and who can’t, and determine what information your health providers can see. You can also set up your MHR account so that you’re notified whenever someone accesses your records. Basically, it’s all under your control, and the system is just a way to ensure that you get the best possible health care no matter where you are or what your health status is.

Paramount Dental Sydney and the MHR

Paramount Dental Sydney will be compliant with the MHR system and will add patient records to it upon request. If you don’t want your records on this system, you have until January to opt out. 

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to talk to us here at Paramount Dental Sydney during your next appointment.


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